Carla Ramsdell
Mar 14, 2019
College years are a great time to start LONG-LASTING cooking skills!
I feel very fortunate to be able to teach about the physics of food and cooking as part of my faculty position at Appalachian State...

Carla Ramsdell
Mar 13, 2019
Get the most out of a hot oven...load it up!
Your oven is a great cooking tool and roasted meals are typically easy and delicious. The average full-size oven has 30 pounds of steel...

Carla Ramsdell
Feb 12, 2019
What's more energy efficient...A Gas or Electric Range?
A frequent question I receive is if gas or electric stove-tops are more efficient. As with many of these questions, the answer is a very...

Carla Ramsdell
Jan 23, 2019
Energy Efficient Food …. It’s all about the SAUCE ! ?
OK, so this blog title may seem like a bit of a stretch but here’s my thinking…. In order to realize a sustainable food future, we have...

Carla Ramsdell
Jan 8, 2019
How does an electric INDUCTION cooktop work?
In the past, there used to be only two mainstream options for stovetop burner selection: Electric resistance and Gas flame. Now there’s...

Carla Ramsdell
Dec 11, 2018
Make simple, delicious HOME-MADE SODA, and reduce single-use plastic and transportation energy (Ging
Looking for that perfect Christmas gift? Home beverage carbonizers, such as Soda Stream, provide us with an easy way to make delicious...

Carla Ramsdell
Apr 7, 2018
My TEDx Talk: Take Back Cooking - A Delicious Climate Change Solution
Here's a link to the talk I did at this year's TEDx Appalachian State event. I shared my passion to "Take Back Cooking" to help feed us...

Carla Ramsdell
Aug 17, 2017
Solar Cooking in the Valle
Fantastic event today cooking with the SUN! Especially in this week before the solar eclipse, when all things solar are so hip, it was...

Carla Ramsdell
Jul 1, 2017
Check out this New York Times article, including my climate curriculum.
Huge thanks to Amy Harmon of the New York Times for bringing attention to the importance of teaching climate change from a broad range of...

Carla Ramsdell
Jun 12, 2017
Camping with Physics!
I went on a great camping outing and had my morning coffee with the help of...physics. This is a great camp stove that transforms the...