Carla Ramsdell
Apr 20, 2020
Wait … do you really need that PAPER towel? Try UN-PAPER towels & napkins!
Next time you reach to rip off a paper towel from the roll, pause to consider if there may be a better material for this purpose. Ok,...

Carla Ramsdell
Apr 11, 2020
What’s the most sustainable skillet?
Many years ago, when I began my work as a food physicist, I became intrigued with the range of choices available when buying a new...

Carla Ramsdell
Feb 2, 2020
The Instant Pot is a Super Hero of the Energy Efficient kitchen!
OK, so now that you got an Instant Pot for the holidays, what, exactly, do you DO with it? First of all, you should take a minute to...

Carla Ramsdell
Dec 18, 2019
The physics of the Instant Pot – Cheap food, energy efficient, healthy, easy and YUMMY!
With the holiday season upon us, I get a lot of questions about electric pressure cookers such as the Instant Pot. These cooking...

Carla Ramsdell
Nov 17, 2019
Travel Mug Pasta! Fun, easy, fast food cooked “passively”!
If you own an insulated travel coffee mug, you have a powerful pasta cooking tool at your fingertips that can cut cooking and cleaning...

Carla Ramsdell
Jul 11, 2019
Choose DARK kitchen linens - easy kitchen hack to reduce water use and harmful detergents
Kitchens are super fun … and messy. Like sometimes really messy! When reading most laundry stain spray labels, the most common items...

Carla Ramsdell
May 22, 2019
Lessons on a sustainable food system from Florence, Italy!
I had the pleasure of spending the past week in Florence, Italy to study the food system there. I took a group of 12 students to observe...

Carla Ramsdell
May 11, 2019
Skillet Pizza - Skip the freezer AND oven and make quick pizza with minimal energy!
It's Friday night and I'm ready for some bubbly pizza! But...I'm also pooped from the work week and looking for a simple kitchen prep. ...

Carla Ramsdell
Apr 30, 2019
A look back at the history of our greenhouse gases - CO2 over 800,000 years!
Spoiler… This blog post has no recipe. It is a short intermission from all food-focused entries to show a graph I think every human...

Carla Ramsdell
Apr 23, 2019
Reduce Food Waste - More impact on reducing global warming than solar or hydro power!
Happy Earth Day! We have only one planet but 7 billions people who can protect it! Spring is a perfect time to start preparing for our...